
Welcome to

Spokane Prays

Loving our City
through Prayer

About Us


Spokane Prays exists to serve the Body of Christ throughout Greater Spokane area by getting the word out about opportunities to pray. We also host regular gatherings for pastors and ministry leaders, to share what is happening in the area of prayer in our city. Spokane Prays is a growing group of Christ-followers who see praying for Spokane as the best way to love our neighbors and change our city. We’d love to have you join us.

Click the link below for a helpful resource to encourage new area of prayer in your life.


Click the link below and you will be taken to the Giving Page for our parent ministry, Mosaic Fellowship of Spokane. This online giving platform is secure and easy to use. Simply select “Spokane Prays”, under the “Fund” drop down selection, fill in the amount and other information and submit.

Thank you in advance for your support of more Prayer in Spokane.

Community Events

Click the link above to visit the Community Calendar for other great Christian Events throughout our area.

Photo Gallery


Please feel free to contact us anytime with requests for information, prayer our how you and your team can get involved.

Spokane Prays
606 W 3rd Ave,
Spokane, WA 99201

Phone: +1-509-747-3007
